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Do Beards Get Thicker With Age? Here’s What You Need to Know

As society’s attitudes toward facial hair have evolved over the years, more men are embracing the bearded look. But whether you’re a seasoned beard-grower or just starting to sprout some stubble, you may be asking an important question: does beard thickness increase with age? There’s no definitive answer, but let’s explore the science behind beard growth and the factors that can influence it.

Understanding Beard Growth

To understand how beard thickness changes over time, it’s helpful to first understand the basics of beard growth. Typically, men start developing facial hair during puberty, around the ages of 14 to 16. Initially, the hair is soft and downy, but as time goes on, it becomes coarser and more full-bodied. The speed and thickness of beard growth can vary depending on genetics, hormones, and lifestyle factors.

The Science Behind Facial Hair

At the most basic level, facial hair growth is regulated by the male hormone testosterone and its derivative, dihydrotestosterone (DHT). These hormones stimulate hair follicles to grow thicker, coarser hairs, and also contribute to increased hair growth in other areas of the body, such as the armpits and pubic region.

Testosterone is produced by the testes and adrenal glands, and its levels can vary depending on age and health. As men age, their testosterone levels naturally decrease, which can lead to thinner and slower-growing beards. However, testosterone levels can also be influenced by lifestyle factors, such as diet and exercise.

Diet plays an important role in beard growth because hair follicles require certain nutrients to function properly. Foods high in protein, iron, and vitamins A, C, and E can all help promote healthy beard growth. On the other hand, a diet lacking in these nutrients can lead to slower, weaker hair growth.

Exercise can also impact beard growth by increasing blood flow and circulation throughout the body. This increased blood flow can help deliver important nutrients and oxygen to hair follicles, leading to stronger, healthier beard growth.

Factors Affecting Beard Growth

While hormones play a key role in beard growth, they’re not the only factor at play. Lifestyle choices like diet, exercise, and stress levels can also influence how quickly and thickly your beard grows.

Stress can have a negative impact on beard growth by disrupting hormone levels and reducing blood flow to hair follicles. Chronic stress can lead to a decrease in testosterone levels, which can result in thinner, slower-growing beards. Finding ways to manage stress, such as through meditation or exercise, can help promote healthy beard growth.

In addition to lifestyle factors, genetics also play a significant role in beard growth. Some men are simply predisposed to grow thicker, fuller beards than others. However, even if genetics aren’t on your side, taking care of your beard through proper grooming and maintenance can help maximize its full potential.

Overall, understanding the science behind beard growth and the factors that can influence it can help you achieve the thick, full beard you’ve always wanted.

The Role of Genetics in Beard Thickness

One of the biggest influencers on beard thickness is genetics. Just as our genes dictate our eye color, they also determine the number and size of our facial hair follicles. This means that some men may be genetically predisposed to thicker, fuller beards while others may have a patchier growth pattern.

Inherited Traits and Beard Growth

Inherited traits like ethnicity and family history can also impact beard thickness. For example, men of Mediterranean and Middle Eastern descent are more likely to have thick, full beards than men of Asian or African ancestry. Additionally, if your father or grandfather had a particularly impressive beard, there’s a good chance that you may have some of the same genetic predispositions.

Can You Predict Your Beard’s Future Thickness?

Given the complex interplay of genetics and other factors, it can be difficult to predict exactly how your beard will develop over time. However, some experts suggest that men who are able to grow full beards by their mid-twenties are likely to have a greater chance of maintaining thick facial hair into their fifties and beyond.

Age and Its Impact on Beard Thickness

While genetics play a substantial role, age can also affect beard thickness. Your beard will continue to mature and fill out as you enter your twenties and thirties, but after that, the rate of growth and thickness may begin to slow down. By the time you reach your forties or fifties, you may notice that your beard is not quite as thick as it once was. However, this can vary widely depending on genetics and lifestyle factors.

Beard Growth in Adolescence and Early Adulthood

Adolescence and early adulthood is a time of significant beard growth for most men. During this period, you may experience sudden spurts of growth as your hormones fluctuate. It’s important to keep in mind that not all men will develop facial hair at the same rate, and some may experience patchy growth or slower growth patterns than others.

Changes in Beard Thickness as You Age

As you enter your thirties and forties, you may notice changes in beard thickness and texture. The growth patterns that were once defined and predictable may start to become more irregular. Hormonal changes associated with age can also affect the rate and thickness of beard growth.

When Does Beard Growth Peak?

The peak time for beard growth can vary widely from person to person. For some men, peak beard thickness occurs in their late twenties or early thirties, while for others it may not occur until their forties. Similarly, some men may experience a plateau in beard growth after a particular age, while others may continue to grow thick facial hair well into old age.

Hormones and Beard Growth

As discussed earlier, testosterone and DHT are key hormones that regulate beard growth. But hormonal imbalances can also affect the thickness and speed of beard growth.

Testosterone and DHT: Key Players in Beard Growth

Testosterone is the primary hormone responsible for male sex characteristics, including facial hair. DHT is a byproduct of testosterone that helps to stimulate hair growth and maintain the health of hair follicles. Low levels of either of these hormones can result in slower or weaker beard growth.

How Hormonal Imbalances Affect Beard Thickness

Other hormonal imbalances, such as excess estrogen or cortisol, can interfere with beard growth and may even contribute to beard hair loss. If you’re experiencing sudden changes in beard growth patterns, it may be worth discussing these concerns with your doctor or a dermatologist.

Lifestyle Factors That Influence Beard Growth

While genetics and hormones undoubtedly play a significant role in beard thickness and growth, your lifestyle choices can also have an impact. Here are some lifestyle factors to keep in mind:

Nutrition and Beard Thickness

Eating a balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals can help to support healthy beard growth. Foods that are particularly beneficial include those high in protein, zinc, and vitamin D. Additionally, staying hydrated can also promote healthy hair growth.

Exercise and Its Impact on Facial Hair

Regular exercise can help to increase blood flow to the hair follicles, promoting healthy beard growth. Certain types of exercise, such as weightlifting, may be particularly effective at stimulating facial hair growth due to their impact on hormones like testosterone.

Stress and Its Effects on Beard Growth

Stress can negatively impact beard growth by increasing levels of the hormone cortisol, which can interfere with testosterone production. Managing stress through techniques like meditation or yoga may help to keep cortisol levels in check and promote healthy beard growth.


The question of whether beards get thicker with age doesn’t have a straightforward answer, as genetics, hormonal influences, and lifestyle factors can all play a role. That being said, there are some general patterns to keep in mind. For many men, beard growth and thickness will peak during early adulthood and may begin to slow down in middle age.

Hormones like testosterone and DHT are key regulators of facial hair growth, but lifestyle choices like diet and exercise can also influence how robustly your beard grows. Ultimately, your beard’s potential for thickness is largely dictated by your genes, but taking care of your body and staying healthy can help to support healthy hair growth throughout your lifetime.


Caffeinated Beard Enthusiast, Family Man & Dog Lover. Hailing from the picturesque landscapes of Salt Lake City, Utah, Todd Harris is a devoted husband, loving father, and proud dog owner with a passion for all things coffee and facial hair. His dynamic personality and unmistakable love for life are evident in each of his engaging blog posts.